Sibeile IMR10440 350mAh (Black)
Official specifications:
- Capacity: Nominal:350mAh,Minimum:320mAh
- Dimensions: Diameter:10±0.1mm, Height:44±0.2mm
- Weight:(Typical)Approx.23g
- Nomical Voltage: Average 3.7v
- Cut-off Voltage: 3.0v
- Full Charge voltage: 4.2V
- Internal Impedance: less or equal to 180 milliohm(with PTC)
- Cycle Performance: 90% of initial capacity at 400 cycles
- Cycle life: >500 cycles
- Charge: Current=0.5C mA Voltage=4.2v End Current=0.01mA
- Discharge: Current=0.5C mA End Voltage=3.0v
- Max.Charging current: 1.5C ma
- Max.Discharging current: 1.5C ma(for continuous discharge)
- Temperature: dishcarge temperature range:-10°C—60°C
- Charge temperature range: 0°C—40°C
- storage: 1 year:-20°C—25°C, 3 months:-20°C—45°C, 1 month:-20°C—60°C
I do test the cell with a very high current for the size and it does deliver power, but it is best to stay below 1A
The performance is average for 10440 cells and I will call it an acceptable cell.
Notes and links
The batteries was supplied by Sibeile for review.
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries